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We can keep your accounts on your premises or via VPN connection to your IT system. You can also outsource your accounting completely to us and we keep it on our system. Do you only need support for partial areas or temporarily? We are happy to be your part-time controller or temporary CFO. Would you like to set up or expand your accounting system? Here, too, we provide you with competent and targeted support.

- Accounting according to Swiss law, IFRS or US-GAAP.
- Annual and interim financial statements
- Balance sheet, success and cost analysis
- Operating accounting (conception, management, development, reporting, calculation)
- Consolidation
- planning
- VAT statements
- tax returns

The new standard for financial management

Get in-depth information with the Money Key Cockpit 

⤑ Analyze clients’ business results and provide targeted advice

⤑ Receive reports in minutes and display them individually
⤑ Automated communication thanks to artificial intelligence.

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Planning describes the human ability to anticipate the steps that seem necessary to achieve a goal. The result is a plan, commonly referred to as a temporally ordered set of data.

Planning takes into account the means by which the goal can be achieved, how these means can be used to achieve the goal in the first place (process model), and how one can control what has been achieved (control). In the ideal case, short, medium or long-term plans generate certainty of action as the result of planning



In the business world, strategy is classically understood as the (usually long-term) planned behaviour of companies in order to achieve their goals. In this sense, corporate strategy in corporate management shows how a medium-term (approx. 2-4 years) or long-term (approx. 4-8 years) corporate goal is to be achieved. This classical definition of strategy is criticized today above all due to its assumption of plannability.

In the context of corporate strategy, the concepts of vision and corporate mission as well as strategic management are often mentioned. Subordinated are partial strategies (marketing strategy, financing strategy etc.) and the tactical (medium-term) as well as the operational (short-term) level.

Process orientation


In a process organization, a company is aligned to continuous business processes. In many companies, the organizational plan remains the same. Core processes are e.g. marketing processes, production processes, material processes or logistics processes. In addition, there are management processes and supporting processes, such as personnel processes, accounting processes, finance and investment processes and information processes.

Process organization is thus based on a system of activities that are linked by a continuous service flow and have a clearly defined follow-up relationship to each other. The processes are aligned with the customer in order to create value for the customer and the company - customer-oriented all-round processing. On the one hand, this improves coordination - fewer interfaces lead to fewer errors in the temporal and factual coordination of partial services. On the other hand, motivation increases because services are provided independently and can be assigned to customer-specific process teams.


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