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From data to information

Explore Genie is a groundbreaking elastic, search-based platform based on Instantli™ The core application allows the user to find relevant information regardless of location in a search based on age and/or relevance of the user's requirements.

While data is the new oil, data volume has made it increasingly difficult for companies or individuals to quickly find the right information.

On average, each employee spends about 30 days or 6 weeks a year searching for information such as logs, quotes, invoices, e-mails or the like. With an average of 220 working days, this corresponds to about 13% of an employee's total working time! At an average cost of around CHF 50 per hour, a company loses CHF 12,000 per employee per year in the search for information without any guarantee of the quality of the result. The lack of potential information quality leads to a loss of productivity.

The application of Explore Genie's core capabilities in areas such as compliance, risk management, governance and/or research in various areas such as market research or resource research or even big data analytics, enables significant increases in productivity, risk management and efficiency in the aforementioned order of magnitude.

Explore Genie Product Overview

A GIN (Global Information Network) server as semantic middleware offers central access to semantically networked data in a harmonized format on distributed and heterogeneous data sources. The application uses intelligent methods for efficient data integration without the need for data modeling and mapping and automatic data analysis without the need to define and apply formalized knowledge, rules or reference data. A GIN server provides an infrastructure for data integration, data analysis, and data capture/query.

An EBON (Enterprise Business Object Network) server provides central access to business objects and their connections based on data (DO) from distributed and heterogeneous data sources that are connected and integrated by the GIN server as content objects (CO). Business objectives (BO) are defined according to business object models (MetaBO). The business object models are defined by EBON modeling using the Uniform Information Model (UIM) of the GIN Server, which is visualized and stored in the EBON repository.

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